Programmatic Advertising

Gourmet Ads provides various Programmatic Advertising solutions for brands, agency trading desks, publisher trading desks, independent trading desks, demand side platforms, and retargeters. A Programmatic Advertising company has completely changed the way businesses target their customers. While there are many different types of ads, Gourmet Ads mostly work with display, mobile, video, and native advertisements. Each of these formats has its own set of native ad specs that must be kept in mind for the ad to appear correctly and be optimized for the platform.

Our global team has deep and extensive experience when it comes to Programmatic Advertising techniques or any kind of food advertising solutions. Since 2008, we’ve collaborated with a wide range of food advertising agency, ranging from global food companies with hundreds of brands to traditional/ smaller and regional food companies. We have worked with both Demand and Supply-Side Platforms since 2012.

We can assist with everything “Programmatic” from setting up deals across our Managed or Curated Supply to running Programmatic Campaigns (Managed Services) to meet your key performance indicators. The management and optimization of programmatic advertising campaigns are referred to as Programmatic Campaign Management. This includes establishing campaign objectives, developing ad creatives, deciding which target markets to target, and monitoring campaign effectiveness. Retargeting vs prospecting in marketing are the two primary methods businesses can use to reach their target audience. Both retargeting and prospecting have a place in a successful marketing plan. To create an effective advertising campaign, it is essential to understand the difference between marketing vs advertising.

Programmatic Advertising Definition

Programmatic Advertising refers to automated processes that buy and sell ad space using AI and algorithms. The technology and resources required to simplify the purchasing and selling of digital ads are provided by programmatic advertising companies.

Programmatic Advertising firms act as a middleman between advertisers and publishers. They provide a platform for advertisers to bid on ad space and for publishers to offer their ad inventory. Agency Holding Companies offer advertisers a variety of services such as media planning and buying, creative services, and digital marketing. As a mediator between advertisers and publishers, these holding companies play an important role in the programmatic advertising ecosystem.

Contextual advertising is an effective targeting method in programmatic advertising that provides several advantages to both marketers and users. Advertisers may improve user experience, brand safety, and ad performance by connecting advertising with relevant content. Retargeting ideas & Remarketing ideas are two significant programmatic advertising methods that can aid companies in more successfully reaching their target audience. Remarketing targets customers who have already made a purchase or taken another specific action, whereas retargeting focuses on people who have already interacted with your website or other online content. An ad exchange uses a real-time bidding (RTB) system, which means that ad inventory is bought and sold in real time via an auction-style bidding process. Advertisers bid on impressions, which are opportunities to show an ad to a user. The highest bidder wins the impression, and the ad is shown to the user.

One of the most significant advantages of a Programmatic Advertising firm is that it enables advertisers to reach their target audience at scale across multiple channels and devices. Display, video, audio, native, and social media ads are all accessible from a programmatic ads firm.  Advertisers can select the best ad format for their campaign goals and budget. Programmatic Display CTR Benchmarks vary depending on ad type and targeting methods used. The targeting methods used can also have an impact on CTR metrics.

Setup Deal IDs to target High Quality Inventory

Private Marketplace Deals are typically “Invite Only” or Exclusive Programmatic Advertising Auctions that give the buyer priority or preferred access in the Ad Server or Supply Side Platform on a Semi-Reserved basis with agreed on pricing. Deals generally consist of predetermined High Quality Inventory or specific Audience Segments.

Private Marketplace Deals
Programmatic Managed Services

Let our team manage your Programmatic Campaigns

Since 2008, we’ve offered our Programmatic Managed Services to Brands and their Advertising Agencies. Our team have both the Strategic and Tactical experience, as well as the global footprint of ad operations to ensure success.

PMPs powered by Data Science & Machine Learning

Smart Deals are a type of PMP that are built using Data Science and Machine Learning within the Appnexus Ad Server, set using specific campaign KPIs in real-time. In the past we’ve used historical data to surface impressions into a Deal, now using Smart Deals it happens automatically in the Ad Server.

Smart Deals Cloud
Programmatic Guaranteed Reserved

Programmatic Guaranteed

Programmatic Guaranteed – Reserving High-Quality Inventory.

Gourmet Ads offers buyers the ability lock in Programmatic Guaranteed on a one-to-one basis with Higher Priority than regular PMPs or Deal IDs.

Curated Deals – Managed Supply + Curated Supply

Gourmet Ads offers a scalable solution we’ve branded Curated Deals. Curated Deals slightly differ from our managed Supply Deals which are typically setup in Appnexus. Curated Deals are totally bespoke and Brand Safe.

Curated Deals
Appnexus Open Exchange Marketplace

A Programmatic Open Exchange Marketplace 

Gourmet Ads offers an Open Exchange Marketplace (via Xandr Member ID 1792) allowing programmatic buyers direct access to our inventory via Open Auction which runs behind our PMPs / Deal IDs. Our Open Exchange in Xandr is pricing model is a 2nd Price Auction.

Buying Viewability with Confidence

For Advertisers that prioritize Viewability metrics as a core KPI for campaigns, Gourmet Ads offers two Viewability solutions. Both Viewability options are executed by Private Marketplace Deals and depending on your requirements, we offer both MRC Viewability Standard and GroupM Viewability Standard.

Programmatic Reports

Programmatic Reports

Comprehensive Yet Simple Programmatic Reports

Gourmet Ads Programmatic Reports solution is simple. We provide on a monthly basis Programmatic Buyers and Brands Trading programmatically, complete transparency from a Sell Side perspective. We also provide Media Traders our detailed Deals Report.

What Is Programmatic Advertising?

Programmatic Advertising can be simply defined as the automation of selling and buying online advertising. The phrase “Real Time Bidding” has been replaced by the more broad term “Programmatic Advertising” in recent years. This type of automation makes executing transactions easier and more effective by streamlining the advertising process. Ad exchanges are essential to programmatic advertising because they let advertisers participate in real-time auctions for ad inventory. In programmatic advertising, there are multiple ad exchanges, and the cost of using them varies depending on several factors.

What Is Programmatic Advertising?
Programmatic Marketing

Programmatic Marketing

There are many methods out there for marketing one’s product or service. One particularly innovative way to market in the digital age is through Programmatic Marketing.

An easy to understand Programmatic Glossary

Confused and struggling with all the Programmatic Advertising terms, programmatic definitions and all programmatic acronyms that are used every day? Our Programmatic Glossary  is a comprehensive List of Programmatic Advertising Terms, Definitions and Acronyms.

Programmatic Glossary
Always On Deals

Looking for ready to go “Off the Shelf” Always On Deals ?

Our Always On Deals can be used for any programmatic campaigns and are available across a few different categories these being Placement Based Deals, Contextual Targeted based Deals and Audience based Deals.

Programmatic Advertising FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions our team are asked about Programmatic Advertising.

Programmatic Advertising is a media buying method that uses Demand Side Platforms (DSP) to automate the purchasing and placement of advertisements. It enables brands or advertising agencies to buy ad impressions on publisher websites or applications in milliseconds, streamlining the workflow process.

Demand Side Platforms use automated bidding processes and machine learning algorithms. Programmatic Advertising allows advertisers to target specific audiences and personalize their ads based on a variety of factors, such as location, demographics, and interests. Other signals could be intent-based, contextual relevance, shopping behaviors or simply visiting an advertiser’s website. This allows advertisers to reach the right people with the right message at the right time, improving the chances of their advertising being seen and engaged with.

This type of advertising allows advertisers to target specific audiences and personalize their advertisements, resulting in more efficient and effective ad spending and a better user experience for those seeing the advertising.

Programmatic Advertising supports a variety of Media Formats, including Display, Video, Audio and Native formats. Each have different requirements.

a) Display Advertising are traditional banner ads (for example, a 300×250) that are displayed on websites or apps. They can be static or animated and come in a variety of sizes.

b) Video ads are short (typically 7 seconds to 120 seconds) interactive video clips that are displayed on websites, mobiles, and Connected TV (CTV). They can be used to tell a brand’s story or promote a product or service and are similar in nature to Tv commercials.

c) Audio ads are short audio clips that are played on music streaming platforms or audio podcasts. They can be used to promote a brand or product and can be targeted to specific audiences based on their listening habits.

d) Native ads are ads that are designed to fit seamlessly into the content of a website or app. They are often less intrusive than traditional banner ads and can be more effective at engaging users.

There are many benefits to using Programmatic Advertising, these would be the top benefits from a Gourmet Ads perspective.

1. Targeting and personalization: By leveraging data and signals, programmatic advertising allows for a high degree of targeting and personalization, making it more effective at reaching the right audience with the right message at the right time.

2. Efficiency and cost-effectiveness: The automation and algorithms involved in programmatic advertising make buying and selling ads faster and easier, saving time and resources for both advertisers and publishers. The dynamic nature of Programmatic Advertising allows budgets to be fluid. ie a strategy can be tested for a few thousand dollars and increased or decreased depending on the outcomes.

3. Increased reach and scale: Programmatic advertising makes it easy to buy and sell ads across a wide range of websites and platforms, increasing the reach of an ad campaign. For Example, Gourmet Ads maintains our own approved domain lists of over 100k websites providing significant scale for any campaign.

4. Better ROI: Because programmatic advertising is more targeted and efficient, it can often deliver a better return on investment (ROI) for advertisers.

Gourmet Ads has been running Programmatic Advertising since 2012 and we’ve seen several challenges in that time. Thankfully the industry has cleaned up most of the most challenging issues.

Today, there are a few challenges with Programmatic Advertising,

1. Education: Over the last few years, the industry has changed dramatically in a good way. As such, people working with DSPs or SSPs in the Programmatic Ecosystem must be constantly educated about the latest technology and software. Companies need to be on top of programmatic education programs for staff.

2. Complexity: The technology involved in programmatic advertising can be complex and difficult to understand, making it challenging for some advertisers to get started. Recruiting staff with the deep programmatic knowledge can be a challenge.

3. Transparency: When programmatic first started, there were issues around transparency. While the Programmatic Ecosystem has significantly cleaned up from a quality perspective, Transparency issues still exist at the DSP level on optimization algorithms. What are they focused on? And how do they auto-optimize my campaigns for performance? Is the DSP buying the best website inventory for me or the DSP?

4. Quality of inventory: The quality of advertising inventory available for programmatic buying can vary. Gourmet Ads runs campaigns on an Approved basis only; we have dedicated staff that review each website in our targeting lists.

5. Data Overload and Integrity: We highly encourage advertisers to use their own First Party Data wherever possible. However, some advertisers lack data assets and are forced to use 3rd Party Data.

Regarding 3rd Party Data Segments, Gourmet Ads have access to over 200K different segments sourced from hundreds of data providers. The question our advertising team asks ourselves is; Where did this data originate from? How have users been added to segments? Are they inferred or declared users? How current is the data segment?

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for Programmatic Advertising can vary depending on the advertiser running the campaign and their specific goals and objectives.

Popular KPIs include:

Cost-Per-Click (CPC): This measures the cost of an advertisement for each click it receives.

Click-Through Rate (CTR): This measures the percentage of users who click on an advertisement after seeing it.

Conversion Rate: This measures the percentage of users who take the desired action (such as making a purchase on the advertiser’s website or signing up for a newsletter) after clicking on an advertisement.

Cost-Per-Action (CPA): This measures the cost of an advertisement for each desired action taken by a user.

Return On Investment (ROI): This measures the profit or loss generated by an advertising campaign in relation to the amount of money invested.

Return On Ad Spend (ROAS): This measures the profitability of an advertising campaign in relation to the amount of money spent on advertising.

Reach: This measures the number of people who see an advertisement.

Impressions: This measures the number of times an advertisement is displayed to users.

Frequency: This measures the number of times an advertisement is displayed to an individual user.

Engagement: This measures the level of interaction and involvement of users with an advertisement, such as the number of likes, comments, or shares on social media.

Brand Awareness: This measures the extent users are aware of and can recognize a brand.

Viewability Rate: This measures the percentage of an advertisement that is actually seen by users. A viewable ad is one that is at least 50% in view for at least one second.

Gourmet Ads specializes in the Food Vertical and as such, we provide advertisers the ability to reach the Household Grocery Buyer and Primary Household Cook at scale. We use Programmatic Advertising techniques and strategies to enable this with advertisers, no matter their level of Programmatic experience.

Experienced Programmatic Advertisers 

Gourmet Ads can work with experienced programmatic advertisers that use their own DSP. For advertisers like that, we’ll provide Deal IDs that can be targeted in their DSP to reach our predefined audiences. The Deal IDs have a mutually agreed Floor Price and estimated reach. We offer the same service for Advertisers with their own Agency Trading Desk or Advertising Agency.

Advertisers needing Programmatic Managed Service 

For advertisers not experienced in Programmatic or looking for “Help” we offer a Fully Managed Service. Leveraging our team of programmatic experts, we’ll build a bespoke Programmatic Advertising Media Plan at your budget level to activate your desired strategy and outcomes. All you provide is the advertising creative and we do everything else. Think of this as our “white glove offering,” where we do everything from media planning, campaign creation, activation, optimization, and end-of-campaign reporting. We also provide our Realtime Reporting platform, allowing you to see the campaign performance as it runs.

Programmatic advertising costs can vary greatly depending on several factors, such as the target audience, the specific platform used, and the advertising being run and served. For example, Native Ads tend to be cheaper than Display and Video being the highest.

On average, the Cost Per Thousand impressions (CPM Rate) for Programmatic Advertising ranges from USD$2.5 to $25, with some campaigns reaching as high as $50 or more. However, the actual cost will depend on the bidding process and the demand for advertising inventory you seek to buy.

Minimum Spends

The advertising industry often refers to this as Minimum Spend.

Experienced Programmatic Advertisers 

For Programmatic Buyers that have their own DSP there is no minimum budget. You can buy our inventory via Open Exchange or Deal IDs / PMPs. We prefer Deals for two reasons ;

  1. We effectively guarantee you the inventory or part there of;
  2. We can provide advanced targeting options and increased scale via Deals.

Advertisers needing Programmatic Managed Service 

For advertisers looking to work with Gourmet Ads via our Managed Service, our Minimum Spend is USD$10,000 per media plan. A Media Plan could run for a week or run for a Quarter or Year. You will have a dedicated Account Executive and Ad Operations Executive who will work with you to ensure campaign success and assist with any changes required during the campaign.

The Programmatic Accounts Team at Gourmet Ads can help you get started with Programmatic Advertising. Start by reaching out to our team via the Contact Us Page.

Next Steps

As a next step, we’ll need specific information about the campaign type you want to run. We might need a detailed Advertising Brief depending on the complexity of what you want to run with us.

The typical programmatic questions we’ll be asking are;

  • Are you looking to book a campaign via Our Managed Services offering or do you already buy Programmatically via your own DSP?
  • If you have a DSP which one?
  • What is the primary website you’re looking to advertise?
  • Do you have an advertising brief you can send across? Here is a template if you need one
  • Who is your target audience?
  • What geotargeting are you looking to target?
  • Do you have ad creatives ready to go or do they need to be designed?
  • Do you have flight dates in mind?
  • Did you have a rough budget in mind?

Integrated Demand Side Platform Companies (DSPs)

For programmatic enabled Brands with In-house Trading Teams, Agency Trading Desks, Advertising Agencies, Retargeters or Independent Trading Desk, Gourmet Ads is built upon the Xandr tech stack and fully integrated Programmatically with the following Demand Side Platform Companies (DSP) enabling streamlined, transparent connections between Advertisers through to end-user Consumers.

Xandr DSP / Xandr Invest / Part of AT&T and WarnerMedia
Roku OneView / Roku Advertising Platform / Roku DSP
Appnexus DSP
Adform DSP
Hawk DSP By Tabmo
Doubleclick Bid Manager
The Trade Desk DSP / TTD DSP / The Trade Desk Deals
Adelphic DSP / Adelphic Demand Side Platform by Viant
BidSwitch DSP by IPONWEB
Choozle Self Service DSP
Bidtellect DSP / Bidtellect Demand Side Platform
Delta Projects DSP
DataXu DSP
Amazon DSP / Amazon Advertising
Adobe Marketing Cloud
StackAdapt DSP / Stack Adapt Demand Side Platform
Beeswax DSP
Quantcast DSP
Bidtheatre DSP
Amobee DSP
DV360 / Google Display & Video DSP
Verizon Media DSP Oath Ad Platforms Yahoo
AdRoll Retargeting
Basis DSP by Centro
BrightRoll DSP by Yahoo

Let’s Get Started ! 

Let the Gourmet Ads team walk you through all the options available to ensure that your Food, Supermarket, Beverage or Kitchen advertising campaign has the best possible combination of Premium Guaranteed Inventory, Scale, First Party Data, Contextual Targeting and Programmatic Advertising elements.