Best Performing Placements

Updated every 24 hours and Leveraging Machine Learning and Data Science, our Best Performing Placements targeting captures performance data for the last 60 days across Gourmet Ads and Healthy Ads. Best Performing Placements is one of our secret weapons when it comes to performance and gets better over time.

A group of ad units defining the locations on a website where advertisers can place their ads are referred to as an ad placement. The size, nature, ad code, and location of the ads are all important considerations in ad placements. It’s crucial because advertisers use ad viewability to estimate the likelihood that a user will see your advertisement. For ad placements in viewable positions, they typically are willing to pay more. More viewable ads can therefore increase your eCPM and overall ad revenue. In short, it can either make or break your ad campaigns.

You can also do video ad placement. You can reach people when it matters most by targeting your video campaigns on YouTube and Google video partners. You have a wide range of targeting options at your disposal, including demographic categories, interests, placements, and your data segments, which allow you to target particular or niche audiences based on their characteristics, areas of interest, or consumption patterns. Both 1st party data and 3rd party data help in targeting and ad placement.

What is a Good Click-Through Rate?

As our publishers run our propriety Page Ad Tag we are able to capture performance data at scale, allowing us to isolate the best placements across the network purely from a Click Through Rate and Post Click Conversion rate. A good click-through rate in contextual advertising is one that exceeds industry averages and delivers the advertiser’s intended return on investment (ROI). Agency holding companies give clients access to a wide range of services. Advertisers should pay close attention to click-through rates when it comes to digital marketing. We include placements that exhibit the following attributes;

  • Placements with a CTR Rate of 0.09% or greater (over the for the last 60 days)
  • Placements with advertising have triggered a Post Click Conversion (over the for the last 60 days)
  • User IDs that have Clicked (Previous 14 days)

We then effectively weigh each of these attributes depending on the computer or device and prioritize accordingly. Effectively cherry-picking these placements and adding them to your campaign will typically result in higher click-through rates and conversions. As a precaution, we layer in anti-fraud segment to the Click Segment to ensure these are certainly “humans”.

Gourmet Ads offers ad placements solutions to both Managed Services and Programmatic campaigns. From a Programmatic perspective, our own targeting works better as we have our data compared to click prediction modeling that some DSPs implement on the buy side.

Let’s Get Started ! 

Let the Gourmet Ads team walk you through all the options available to ensure that your Food, Supermarket, Beverage or Kitchen advertising campaign has the best possible combination of Premium Guaranteed Inventory, Scale, First Party Data, Contextual Targeting and Programmatic Advertising elements.