If you Bid you Win – Programmatic Deals 

Wouldn’t it be fantastic as a Programmatic Trader and you were hunting for a particular audience segment (say a high valued retargeting segment which is at the bottom of your funnel) and when you bid you won all of those bids or at least as many as you could. One of the most important measures for a programmatic trader to monitor is the CTR. What is a good CTR Click-Through Rate? CTR varies greatly depending on numerous factors, including industry, ad format, and platform.

Over the past few years, the programmatic landscape has introduced various limitations on the buy side like QPS (Queries Per Second), SPO (Supply Path Optimization), Approved Domain Lists and sellers.json compliance that has reduced bid rates across the board for buyers. The reality is that most buyers (irrespective of the DSP and despite what they say) won’t see the full spectrum of available impressions of a publisher because of some of these limitations. And it’s not all on the buy side, there are also various supply side limitations like the introduction and competitiveness of Prebid, Ad Server Priority and of course Floor Prices at both the placement and publisher levels.

There are scenarios which you think you’ve won the auction but the publisher is running a secondary auction. All of a sudden Render Rate is what you monitor not the Win Rate!

Gourmet Ads today offers programmatic buyers the ability to have a distinct priority bid in our Ad Stack today with If you Bid you Win Deals. These are trafficked one step below the Programmatic Guaranteed Deals and offers the ability to win significant more inventory than a normal PMP with less complexity in the setup and no revenue commitments that would be required for a Programmatic Guaranteed Deal. This makes it ideal for brands and agency trading desks looking for the edge in securing inventory / supply at scale for various campaigns.

There two aspects on our side that we take into consideration when setting up “If you Bid you Win” type Deals. These are Estimated Closing Price (ECP) as well as a Higher Priority in the setup.

Estimated Closing Price

Our Programmatic Ad Operations team will review the previous bidding history for the last 30 days together with running forecasts to give you a realistic number of impressions that are available together with a CPM rate to average an 80% win rate or more.  If we can’t replicate the audience exactly, we’ll provide an estimate based on what we’ve seen at the buyer seat level.

Deal Priority

Setting up “If you Bid you Win” type Deals we position these between above our Price Priority Deals and below Programmatic Guaranteed. The only consideration is that the Programmatic Guaranteed Deals will be the only thing that limits delivery, because they have a daily revenue commitment. However, they very really cross over too much into each other.

If you’d like to setup a “If you Bid you Win” Deal, please contact our Programmatic Team sharing your DSP, Member ID and the audience you’d like us to create via Contact Us.

Let’s Get Started ! 

Let the Gourmet Ads team walk you through all the options available to ensure that your Food, Supermarket, Beverage or Kitchen advertising campaign has the best possible combination of Premium Guaranteed Inventory, Scale, First Party Data, Contextual Targeting and Programmatic Advertising elements.