Build Custom Audiences with our Universal Pixel

Our Universal Pixel allows Managed Services Advertisers to setup a single pixel that runs right across their website. The Universal Pixel is powered by a Javascript library that needs to be added to every page of your site in order to track page views. In addition to collecting page views, the ability to collect the actions that people take on your site (like adding products to cart) and details about those actions, is what makes the Universal Pixel so valuable to your campaign.

The Universal Pixel has a standard set of events, including predefined Ecommerce events like product views, adds to cart, and purchases. Those events allow you to create and segment users into defined audiences which can be used differently for more targeted ads based on their previous behavior, down to showing them ads about specific products based on what products they’ve seen or added to their cart. Each unique event you want to track is all done from our side with no changes required to the code once installed.

Building Audiences

After installed our Ad Operations Team will work with you to build unique audiences in our Ad Server for your site around a number of key areas including Standard Events, Domains and Parameters. The average Advertiser has around 6 audiences. Our team can recommend a strategy around the following areas;

Standard Events

  • Landing page visit
  • Item view
  • Add to cart
  • Initiate checkout
  • Add payment info
  • Purchase
  • Lead

Domain / URLS

  • View a domain
  • View a path
  • View a query string
  • View a URL


  • Item ID
  • Item name
  • Item type
  • Event value

Audience Sizes

Once the Universal Pixel is live and the audience rules are created, we immediately begin to report the size of the audiences within our Advertiser Reporting Portal.

Tracking Conversions

Apart from collecting and creating audiences, the Universal Pixel lets you track site actions so you can attribute and optimize against them. We can create a variety of conversion events from The Universal Pixel such as Order Completed or Thankyou page.

Let’s Get Started ! 

Let the Gourmet Ads team walk you through all the options available to ensure that your Food, Supermarket, Beverage or Kitchen advertising campaign has the best possible combination of Premium Guaranteed Inventory, Scale, First Party Data, Contextual Targeting and Programmatic Advertising elements.