336×280 / Large Rectangle

The 336×280 Ad Unit is a popular IAB Ad Unit, and is widely requested by advertisers as one of the strongest performing ad units, thus creating high demand by advertisers across Gourmet Ads. The 336×280 is available across Desktop and Tablet devices and is often known as the Large Rectangle Ad unit. Most sites across Gourmet Ads are enabled to run the 336×280 Ad Unit.

Features of the 336×280 ;

  • One of the Largest Ad Units
  • Strongest Performing Ad unit
  • High Demand from Advertisers
  • Ideal for all types of rich media
  • Widely used by Publishers across all devices
  • Can be run as an expandable unit or standard unit
  • Approved IAB Ad Unit

Don’t have a 336×280 Ad Creative ?

Gourmet Ads can take your existing creative assets and develop 336×280 ad units for your campaign using your brand standards quickly and cost effectively.

Need Creative Specifications for a 336×280 ad unit?

See our Advertising Specifications

336x280 Large Rectangle

336×280 Large Rectangle

336x280 Large Rectangle

336×280 Large Rectangle

336x280 Large Rectangle

336×280 Large Rectangle


Our Other Banner Ad Sizes

Format of Video Ads 

Let’s Get Started ! 

Let the Gourmet Ads team walk you through all the options available to ensure that your Food, Supermarket, Beverage or Kitchen advertising campaign has the best possible combination of Premium Guaranteed Inventory, Scale, First Party Data, Contextual Targeting and Programmatic Advertising elements.