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What is Outstream Video ?

Outstream Video, also referred to as in-read or native video, is an advertising term describing video advertisements placed in otherwise non-video original content. For example, if a consumer navigates to a social media feed or a newspaper’s website, they may find video and trigger its playback by scrolling.

Outstream video is especially beneficial for non-video publishers who haven’t been able to monetize their content as easily as video publishers. With outstream, videos can be placed anywhere across the ad network.

One of the key benefits of outstream video for advertisers is viewability. Outstream videos are paused when consumers aren’t watching them, which means that viewability metrics are more accurately tracked and compensated. Additionally, by being able to place video ads anywhere, advertisers have better access to specific audiences and targeting which they may not have been able to reach through instream video ad methods.

Outstream video advertisements are also more effective: consumers watch outstream video ads 25% longer than instream video ads, and it captures their attention by standing out from the rest of the content.

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Food Targeting Categories

Since 2008, Gourmet Ads has been the global leader in food-focused advertising, specializing in Contextual Targeting. Discover a wide range of Food Targeting Categories for your next advertising campaign or programmatic deals, including Alcohol, Beverage, Cuisine, Diet, Ingredient, Kitchen Appliances, Non-Endemic, Publisher, and Recipe Targeting. We ensure your brand resonates with an engaged, culinary-inclined audience, transforming advertising campaigns into deliciously successful endeavors. Experience Gourmet Ads—where your message meets the appetite of your desired market.

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Let the Gourmet Ads team walk you through all the options available to ensure that your Food, Supermarket, Beverage or Kitchen advertising campaign has the best possible combination of Premium Guaranteed Inventory, Scale, First Party Data, Contextual Targeting and Programmatic Advertising elements.