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What is eCPM ?

eCPM is an advertising term that stands for Effective Cost per Mille (thousand impressions). It’s useful in cases where multiple advertising and pricing are used (CPC, CPA, etc.) as it converts everything to a common metric.

eCPM can also be used to forecast advertising spend and performance across different channels and pricing methods, and to determine the effectiveness of each channel through conversions and cost. An advertiser would typically calculate eCPM for each channel to deduct which offers the best performance at the lowest cost before starting the campaign.

Another common term for eCPM is RPM (Revenue per Mille). This term is typically used by publishers, and RPM for a website is typically constant and monitored over a period of 6 months. It’s important to increase your RPM periodically (every quarter) as that increases the value of your web property. Your target RPM is the RPM that advertisers should strive for.

eCPM is calculated by diving the total cost by impressions and multiplying them by 1000

(eCPM = (cost / impressions) x 1000)

RPM is calculated by dividing total revenue by total impression and multiplying them by 1000 (RPM = (total revenue/total impressions) x 1000).



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Food Targeting Categories

Since 2008, Gourmet Ads has been the global leader in food-focused advertising, specializing in Contextual Targeting. Discover a wide range of Food Targeting Categories for your next advertising campaign or programmatic deals, including Alcohol, Beverage, Cuisine, Diet, Ingredient, Kitchen Appliances, Non-Endemic, Publisher, and Recipe Targeting. We ensure your brand resonates with an engaged, culinary-inclined audience, transforming advertising campaigns into deliciously successful endeavors. Experience Gourmet Ads—where your message meets the appetite of your desired market.

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Let the Gourmet Ads team walk you through all the options available to ensure that your Food, Supermarket, Beverage or Kitchen advertising campaign has the best possible combination of Premium Guaranteed Inventory, Scale, First Party Data, Contextual Targeting and Programmatic Advertising elements.