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Food Shows

At Gourmet Ads, we know the value of reaching a food and wine brand’s target demographic right when and where their products are needed. With the Top 10 Food Blogs posts, this is quite easy. A potential customer is browsing recipes for a peach cobbler and sees an ad for unique canned peaches in a banner above the recipe. It’s all about meeting your target audience where they are.

Brands are now placing products within food shows, including things like cookware, ingredients, chef’s knives, etc. So, advertising online for the purpose of driving people to watch food shows on TV is key.

So how can a brand get involved with advertising cooking shows? The process really isn’t all that tricky.

Know Your Ideal Blogs and Website for Advertising

There are a few different types of food shows and cooking shows out there that one may want to advertise. For the most part, the best place to advertise these shows online is through advertising with banners, native ads, and video ads.

When you know your target customer and what would make them want to watch a particular food show, it’s easy to figure out what type of television-based food advertising you could do.

For example, a brand that sells easy to cook vegan pie crusts has some advertising or feature on a food show. That popular live food show is having a vegan episode featuring their products. Because this brand’s pie crusts are designed to be easy to use for beginner bakers, one could advertise the episode on recipe blogs that cater to beginner bakers who are vegan.

Know Your Medium

Now that you know where you’d like to advertise your cooking or food show, it’s time to consider how you want your advertisements to be placed.

Mainly, there are a couple of ways to do this:

  • Native ads, or advertisements that are integrated into recipe content.
  • Banner ads that surround a particular blog page.
  • Video ads that pop up or are integrated into the blog content. (Native video ads.)

All of these options can be great for pushing viewers to a television food show through online advertising.

Meet Your Viewers Where They Are Online

When advertising a food show, it’s so incredibly important to ensure that you are meeting your potential viewers where they are online, and when they may want to watch your show.

Going the more general route with advertising by just casting a broad net could be a large waste of money. You wouldn’t advertise a food show on a car repair website, right? That’s because people who are viewing those particular pages that show ads are looking for specific solutions to a problem– a visitor to a car repair blog is looking for a solution for their broken gas tank, not a new cooking show to be entertained by. That ad placement would not lead to conversion and new food show viewers.

So what’s the solution? It’s actually as easy as brainstorming when you yourself would want to watch a cooking show.

Here’s an example. A foodie is browsing online for new cooking shows to binge on their days off. They stumble upon a food website that has a listicle detailing all the new upcoming shows in this specific genre. One could advertise their food show through a native ad included in the lineup. This provides a solution to the foodie’s problem and thus can result in a new viewer.

It all comes down to relevance.