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Engaging Grocery Buyers

Grocery Buyers aren’t generally passive shoppers – in other words, the grocery buyers out there always think about their purchases before they buy them. So, what affects their choices when it comes to grocery shopping?

Every year, CPG (Consumer Package Goods) brands invest millions in their websites to ensure that their brand increases in popularity, becomes more established, and ultimately increases revenue. To tap into the grocery buyer’s psyche, CPG brands make an effort to boost their advertising in digital media and overall, it has been found that using digital advertising can directly impact sales offline.

In fact, a recent ComScore study showed that users of CPG brand websites buy 37% more products in stores than those who don’t use the websites. As times change, people are becoming more and more likely to surf the web at different times of day and for different lengths of time. During these internet sessions, they can be reached by brand advertisers so easily that it is no wonder visitor figures are having an effect on sales.

ComScore’s study results also showed that visitors to a brand’s website are also more likely to spend more money on the products and are 41% more likely to complete a purchase than someone who hasn’t visited the site prior to going to the shop.

Gourmet Ads can create effective engagement campaigns for Grocery Buyers

When engaging grocery buyers, digital media clearly plays a big role in reaching out to new customers. Gourmet Ads can help you create effective ad campaigns for brand promotions and can also help you establish your brand online to ensure a good return.

Site visitors are more likely to feel a connection to a brand if they have visited their site before doing their grocery shopping. This is why it is crucial to have a well established online presence so that engaging grocery buyers can lead to more sales and a better relationship with consumers. The longer a consumer spends on a site, the more likely they are to buy the product too which is another aspect to take into account when reaching out to new audiences.

By taking a more personal approach to your ad campaigns, you can talk to your customers and make them feel valued. Rather than just talking to the masses, brands that have started using social networking pages to advertise their products are able to communicate directly with individuals. This means that specific consumers can have a personalised link with both a product and brand.

Often, advertisers will find that brand websites and their products are promoted through advertising campaigns as well as recipes. Recipe sites which use your product as one of the ingredients is a great way to promote its uses, but ad campaigns are also great for getting noticed too.

Engaging grocery buyers is about reaching out to them whenever you can – Gourmet Ads uses digital media advertising to ensure that you can create a genuinely effective ad campaign which can target your ideal demographic and make them want to buy your brand when they are in store.