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Curated Deal Ideas

We’ve worked on Curated Deals since they were first enabled in 2019. In the last 12 months, we’ve seen Curation become a huge growth area across our inventory. Whilst some Curators opt for Open Exchange buying, the majority recruit Supply-Side Deals to provide to their programmatic buyers.

Curated Deals are Deals created by Curators

Whilst there are many types of Curators, from our observations, Programmatic Buyers and their Curators typically leverage one more of the following in Curated Deals ;

  • First-Party Data (ie Grocery Buyers)
  • Third-Party Data (ie a High Spenders Segment from Mastercard)
  • Contextual Targeting (Vegetarian Recipes)
  • Category Targeting (ie IAB category of Food & Drink)
  • Creative Media Types (Display, Native, Video)
  • Viewability (for example 70% Viewability)
  • Video Completion Rate (for example 70% VCR)
  • Geography (think Countries, Stated or Cities)
  • Seasonal Events (think Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas etc.)
  • Device Type (Desktop, Tablet, Mobile)

Our Ad Operations Team can create Curated Deals pretty much on any targeting, metric or tactic required.

Top-Requested Curated Deals

So, with all those targeting ideas, here are the top requested Curated Deals requested by Curators.

1. High Priority Deal – “If you bid you win”

2. 70% Viewability

3. All Recipe Content

4. Run of Network Video

5. Healthy Recipes

6. Run of Country

If you’d like to set up some Curated Deals please contact our Programmatic Team via our Contact Us page.

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