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What is a Bid Request ?

A piece of code called a bid request is used to purchase inventory information and show ads. It enables numerous advertisers to use the same ad space on a specific publisher’s platform and enables users to view the advertisements that are most relevant to them. When a user accesses a website that contains advertising units, a function called a bid request is started. It then collects advertisements so that consumers may view them in ad units. A bid request’s fundamental role is to keep track of information about the user and the equipment they are using.

It is a package of data given by ad exchanges to the advertisers that includes inventory information, platform information, the amount of impressions, and user data access keys (IP, pixels, tags, cookies). The advertisers put their bid for the inventory via this bid request, and then they subsequently place their ad. As soon as a visitor enters the website, the procedure begins. The available inventory for impressions is then disclosed in a bid request. Every user, as we all know, and every bid request are special. Because the user’s demographics have a significant impact on bid requests (geographic location, age, gender, visited websites, etc.). Real time bidding, exchange bidding, and header bidding all require bid requests. You must first be familiar with the bidding procedure in order to fully comprehend the bid request.

Bid request makes it easier to choose the ideal advertisement for the current visitor. For instance, a bid request may be used to target visitors who just left your website or app or the website or app of a rival. The platform name, cookies, tags, and other data given by ad exchangers about website visitors will be included in bid requests (inventory details and number of impressions). By leveraging bid requests, a business may also avoid targeting audiences that have already made purchases and instead concentrate on generating new leads for a brand awareness campaign.

How a Bid Request Works

As soon as a visitor enters the website, the procedure begins. The available inventory for impressions is then disclosed in a bid request. A user accessing the website of the publisher initiates the procedure. The bid request is then triggered by this action. Numerous pieces of information, including user demographics, surfing history, location, and website page visits, are included in the bid request. The ad exchange receives the request from the publisher’s website and passes it along to the advertisers, who are then automatically notified of the request and placed their bids in real time.

Advertisers place their bids as the advertisements are served and per impression. The ad is displayed on the publisher’s website when the advertiser with the highest bid wins the impression. Every ad position on the page experiences the same procedure. Real-time bidding transactions normally take place within 100 milliseconds of the ad exchange receiving the request for a bid (including showing the ad). Advertisers specify maximum bids and budgets for advertising campaigns, and bidding occurs automatically.

What is included in a Bid Request ?

A bid request is made up of a few lines of code that include the information needed to sell inventory and display advertisements. It is a package of data given by ad exchanges to the advertisers that includes inventory information, platform information, the amount of impressions, and user data access keys (IP, pixels, tags, cookies).

The data collected from bid request enables the advertiser to target their ideal audience and also aids the publisher in making the most of each ad spot. Publishers can accept the highest offer by using bid requests, which raises the spot’s value for the advertiser.

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Food Targeting Categories

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