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Truth in Advertising

Digital Advertising, as well as advertising as a whole, has changed pretty significantly. Consumers are not so willing to blindly trust a brand or its products. Rather, consumers are more likely to investigate brands, look into reviews, and make a more informed opinion before investing in a particular brand.

Because of this, it is extremely important to be honest in one’s advertising campaigns. Consumers need to be able to trust what’s being advertised. Food brands often conceal important information in food blog advertising. In this article, food advertisement examples will be examined, along with the significance of truth in advertising. There are several ways a brand can be more honest in marketing.

Protecting Consumers from Fraud and Deception

Legally, it’s very important to make efforts to protect one’s customers from fraud and deception. Not only is a brand’s reputation at stake, but the Federal Trade Commission also has mandates in place to protect consumers from misleading advertising.

Ads need to be as transparent as possible. That means including any and all footers on landing pages and blog posts that are promotional in nature. Such footers should elaborate truthfully on claims within the advertising media.

Advertisement Endorsements

When showcasing endorsements for one’s brand, it is important that they are as truthful as possible and actually solicited from customers. Such endorsements include testimonies, reviews, and other media that are displayed on a brand’s website.

There is also the matter of endorsements outside of a brand’s bubble. Many brands will work with influencers for the purpose of endorsing their products. This is not necessarily illegal or untrustworthy. However, it is important to make sure it is clear to consumers that the endorsement is a sponsorship.

Environmentally Friendly Products

One cannot simply say their products are environmentally friendly without any proof. This is illegal, misguiding, and overall terrible for a brand’s reputation.

The Federal Trade Commission also has mandates in place to ensure that “green” products are actually environmentally friendly. Be sure to thoroughly examine the FTC’s most recent update of their Green Guides to make sure your advertising campaign aligns with truthful claims.

Health and Fitness Claims

Consumers are always willing to invest in supplements and devices that can improve their overall health and wellness. However, it is very common to see products that do not live up to their marketing claims.

To avoid this level of dishonesty and improve your brand’s reputation, only include factual statistics in your advertising campaigns. This involves facilitating clinical trials and compiling data without bias and presenting the results to potential customers.

Create an Honest Campaign with Gourmet Ads

It’s been established that being honest in one’s advertising is worth so much more than dishonest advertising. So where can one start when it comes to building a truthful ad campaign? Gourmet Ads is here to help.

Gourmet Ads is a food and wine advertising agency that focuses specifically on honest, targeted, programmatic advertising efforts. We want to pair your unique food and wine brand with consumers who need your products, when they need your products. We have hundreds of websites under our belt and nearly three billion ad impressions. All achieved through honest and effective marketing endeavors.