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Advertising Services

Gourmet Ads has been offering advertising services in the food and cuisine industries since 2008. We’re passionate about the positive outcomes of Programmatic Marketing and highly targeted advertising, and we want to share that experience with our advertisers and publishers.

We offer a number of consistent services for our clients, but everything we do is bespoke towards that advertiser. That means we offer a fully personalized and customized experience, and our services will be tweaked to fit out advertisers’ goals.

Gourmet Ads is proud to offer advertising services for prospecting campaigns, retargeting campaigns, and virtually any other type of campaign you plan on launching

Managed Services

One of the most valuable service sets we offer at Gourmet Ads is our Managed Services.

Also known as Direct IOs or Insert Order Campaigns, our managed services are tailored to meet the strategic and tactical needs of our advertisers.

Understanding the difference between retargeting vs prospecting in marketing is vital for developing a successful marketing plan. Some of our Managed Services include campaign and media planning, prospecting campaigns, retargeting campaigns, optimization, reach extension, and much more.

Display Advertising

Display advertising is at the heart of programmatic marketing, and Gourmet Ads offers a wealth of display advertising solutions.

It’s critical to reach grocery buyers and home cooks across all environments at scale. No matter what size or format your display ad has, our platform will let you take advantage of all of our display advertising technologies.

Video Advertising

Video can significantly improve your brand lift in an advertising campaign. In fact, video is getting more and more popular for advertising efforts, especially for mobile marketing.

Gourmet Ads offers pre roll, mid roll, post roll, and Connected TV video advertising services so your excellent video ads will make a great impression with the right viewers.

Mobile Advertising

Consumers are using their mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets to shop more than ever before. To not take advantage of mobile advertising and marketing would be a terrible mistake for today’s advertisers, and Gourmet Ads makes mobile advertising easy.

Currently, Gourmet Ads offers a variety of mobile creative executions, including interstitials, interscrollers, mobile outstream, and adhesions. Mobile advertising has never been so simple with Gourmet Ads.

Native Advertising

One of the best way to target grocery buyers and cooks is by taking advantage of a native advertising strategy. Our Creative Ad Units are integrated into web pages, blogs, and articles, and function exactly like the natural content they have been placed in. The size of the ad is an important aspect of native ad specs. Native advertisements should be designed to blend in with the surrounding content, so they should not be too large or too small. By not interrupting your target audience’s content-exploring experience, you’re able to connect with them a little more personally.

Gourmet Ads runs a number of native advertising formats across thousands of different food websites.

Audience Segments

Data segments can be used to target very specific audiences that will already be searching for content relevant to your brand, down to the “group” that they tend to belong to. Some popular audience segments that we offer our advertisers include primary household cooks audience segments, grocery buyer or shopper audience segments, diet and weight loss audience segments, and custom data audience segments.

Campaign Targeting

At Gourmet Ads, we’re all about targeting. We believe that an excellent targeting-based strategy for advertising is the best way to reach leads that convert. Our Global Ad Operations team has a massive amount of targeting options available via our ad server and primary DSP to make sure that your campaign is as successful as possible.

We offer audience targeting, behavior targeting, campaign targeting, contextual targeting, cuisine targeting, and so much more.

Campaign Reporting

Retargeting ideas & remarketing ideas are useful methods of enhancing your advertising campaigns, and they can be combined with campaign data to maximize your advertising efforts. Every advertiser could benefit from campaign reporting, and the team at Gourmet Ads is excited to offer real-time advertiser reporting dashboards for our clients. Through this dashboard, advertisers can access real-time performance data, click-through rates, impressions served, budget vs current spend, and more. We offer reporting software to our clients because we believe that our advertising services and efforts should be 100% transparent to our clients.

Case Studies

We understand that finding the best possible advertising platform can be difficult, and finding a platform that is trustworthy and high-quality can seem impossible. Because of this, we want to offer our advertisers in-depth, transparent, and helpful case studies that detail the success of some of our food and wine clients’ campaigns.