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Advertising Eggs

Tasked with advertising the humble egg? We’ll you’ve stumbled onto the best solution. Have you ever heard the ad campaign about the “Incredible, Edible Egg”? This campaign advertising eggs have regained popularity as a healthy source of protein and a food that can be enjoyed on its own or as part of an endless number of recipes. As consumers start enjoying this humble staple again, now is the perfect time for egg boards and egg producers to educate customers on the versatility and health benefits of eggs.

As part of your complete advertising strategy, Gourmet Ads can place your ads so that they reach out to customers who do the cooking and online grocery shopping in their homes.

While eggs in general have been making significant strides in the hearts and refrigerators of consumers, there is a rapidly growing interest in organic and free-range eggs. One of our free-range egg advertisers ran a campaign based on cameras on farm their eggs come from and gives them a chance to view how an organic farm can help them enjoy eggs that are produced in the healthiest way. The advertising eggs video has attracted attention from shoppers who want to find out what “organic” and “free range” actually mean to them, and has become one of the most successful video advertisements that Gourmet Ads has placed. If your company produces a similar type of organic, cage-free, or free-range egg, Gourmet Ads can help you bring attention to your eggs.

Whether you are a producer of organic or standard production eggs, customers are again looking for ways to enjoy eating eggs, and you can develop a marketing campaign that will remind shoppers why eggs are the ultimate comfort food.

Communicate the health benefits when Advertising Eggs

Our audiences reach everyone from gourmet cooks to home chefs, although the majority of our audience is made up of women who are the main grocery shoppers in their homes. Advertising to these customers about the health benefits of eggs is a great way to catch their eye, and Gourmet Ads can help you place advertisements that will appeal to these shoppers.

Advertise Next to Egg Recipes

Another great way to build engagement with consumers to your website is top advertise directly next to egg recipes. Using our Contextual Keyword technology, we offer egg brands and their agencies the ability to target recipes featuring eggs. Be sure to check out Egg Recipe Targeting.

We can also offer audiences of people who look at Egg Recipes over a 30 to 60-day period and allow you to retarget these users at scale, ideal for egg brands or egg marketing board that need ongoing / evergreen awareness campaigns.