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What is First Look ?

First Look is an advertising term that describes a situation when certain advertisers are offered a prioritized access to a publisher’s ad inventory.

In programmatic advertising, the first look deal guarantees that the advertiser who was granted the First Look priority will win, even if their bid wasn’t the highest. We’ll discuss the growing popularity of programmatic advertising pros and cons of incorporating it into your marketing strategy.

In standard advertising – for example, with selling billboard space – the publisher would first offer the billboard to their preferred advertiser. If the first advertiser doesn’t buy the ad space, the publisher would then go to other advertisers.

While the First Look advertising approach can potentially hurt the publishers’ revenue, it can also be a good way to raise the price of ad inventory by emphasizing its exclusivity. It allows for more content control. On the advertisers’ side, they can also benefit from the exclusivity and the de-facto partnership, while potentially buying ad inventory at a lower price. Buyers like trading desks can also create unique deals that serve their placement and pricing preferences.

It’s important for buyers and sellers to mutually determine rates and a minimum spend. If First Party Data is unavailable, header bidding can be used to reduce risk for both parties.


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Food Targeting Categories

Since 2008, Gourmet Ads has been the global leader in food-focused advertising, specializing in Contextual Targeting. Discover a wide range of Food Targeting Categories for your next advertising campaign or programmatic deals, including Alcohol, Beverage, Cuisine, Diet, Ingredient, Kitchen Appliances, Non-Endemic, Publisher, and Recipe Targeting. We ensure your brand resonates with an engaged, culinary-inclined audience, transforming advertising campaigns into deliciously successful endeavors. Experience Gourmet Ads—where your message meets the appetite of your desired market.

Let’s Get Started ! 

Let the Gourmet Ads team walk you through all the options available to ensure that your Food, Supermarket, Beverage or Kitchen advertising campaign has the best possible combination of Premium Guaranteed Inventory, Scale, First Party Data, Contextual Targeting and Programmatic Advertising elements.